Destined to be useful : Happiness

This is how lost we are as a generation: that we have grown so much in this age without knowing what our destinies are. When inquired, most responses portray destiny to be an unknown future; a mysterious puzzle of their own lives which is known to God only. To most people, how their lives turn out here on Earth is not in their hands, but by the will of an imposing Sovereign who left them choiceless. The truth is that this belief is not meaningful and satisfying to those who hold onto such. As a result, they fabricate their own destinies by their human wisdom and call it their purpose in life. I speak this in confidence because I once shared this belief. The more I held onto this fabricated life, the more I felt lost in Life. Know this today: An unknown destiny is a lost identity…

Part 1 — Happiness

There is a longing for happiness deposited in everybody. This deposit is the remnant of good that yearns for nothing but the Lord. The desire increases as a person grows. It is an increasing desire to be joined and be one with happiness. Some call it love, and dedicate their lives in search of their own love. And they search for this love in the wrong places; in people, money, nature, status and accomplishments. Others  call it fulfillment, and search or work all their lives to attain it. However they can not sustain this so-called found "fulfillment" by themselves; because they do not realize that it is internal and everything pertaining to the innermost of man is from the Lord. All men are looking for happiness, even you and I. God is this happiness.

Sadly, people of this age do not know what happiness is apart from that which tingles the flesh. This is the decline — the darkness of this age, where we cannot perceive anything spiritual apart from what our natural senses can behold. The perception of many people about a happy marriage for example, is limited to the good appearance of the couple. The blessings and happiness in marriage is limited to the ability to bring forth children. The pride of parents is seeing their children make it in life, regardless of any corrupt means to attain positions. 

The carnal person defines happiness in life as enjoyment of material things. The pursuit of happiness from one's own will and understanding instead of the Lord's is the invitation of every form of evil into one's life. It is the invitation of all temptations and subsequent evils. This is what I mean: Mankind was made to look up to the Lord and live from Him. Do not look elsewhere, what do you call happiness?  

Self actualization

To many individuals, climbing to the pinnacle of Abraham Maslow's theory of needs is the attainment of the highest form of happiness, and their aim is to get there. 

All sorts of increasing oppression like depression in the world today are results of seeking "self actualization" aside from the Lord. Such are literally alive, but "dead wanderers" spiritually.

Anybody in depression wishes for a higher need to satiate him. Such a person desires happiness but cannot find it in himself. Although some form of happiness may be found temporarily in external things, this happiness is not lasting, and when it loses its luster, the person falls into deeper despair. A person in depression gives up on life. This is the remedy: Self actualization.

Self actualization is a spiritual awakening. It is the moment of a man's realization of his nothingness without the Lord, and His return to the Lord to live from Him. Thus, the highest hierarchy of a man's pursuit in life is when he lives from the Lord.


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