The four categories of people

 The four categories of people 

There are four Categories of people as far as the spiritual life is concerned:

1.  Those who are oblivious about the internal faculties and are thus opened and ruled only by sensuality. Life is only meaningful to these people externally. The influx of the higher cause is untapped and remains latent within them. These people do not reach their full potential as intended by the Divine Cause (God).

2.  Those who are ignorant yet unwilling to search or yield to any knowledge that points to the consciousness of the Divine. These people have shut themselves from the inflow of the Divine from reaching their inner man, and consequently their externals. Hence, they are ruled only by their sensual animalistic parts. Life is only meaningful to them externally too; they can only relate with what is material and literal. 

3.  Those who through knowledge come to the realization of the Divine but decide to reject the truth and the demands of righteous living. Instead of denying “self” daily and superimposing the fleshy external selves with the spiritually selfless internal selves which are influenced by the Divine power, they rather choose to let the former superimpose the latter. These people are ruled by materialism too.

4.  Those who come to the consciousness of the Divine existence and by virtue of free will, act in obedience, subjecting their wills to God’s; overcoming “self” daily and thereby allowing the inflow of heaven through the superimposition of their internals over their externals. 

For your consideration:

What category are you? (Write down your thoughts) 


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