Smoking kills

What determines whether something is good or bad? Is there a universal mirror we can use to know the intention behind an action or deed?

Everybody considers and does what makes them happy. If a man thinks of something to be bad and yet does it, it is because he loves the feeling or the experience he gets from engaging in that action. For example, there is an inscription on cigarettes "smoking kills" but this inscription doesn't deter smokers from smoking. Intriguingly, even medical practitioners who know the consequences of smoking still smoke. "It is bad, yes we know but we still can't stop". This is the song of an addict. The addiction of a smoker then is as a result of prioritizing the feeling that comes with smoking over killing oneself. Actually, in reality, the smoker doesn't believe the inscription on the cigarette box is true, least to obey. The consequence of his action to another person or his surrounding environment is inapparent to him as well; because he prefers the feeling he gets over the harm it can cause, there is nothing he can use to fight against such habits. He doesn't see anything wrong with smoking and at times even wonders why others don't smoke too.

What is your personal addiction? 

This very example can be associated with every human being as far as life is concerned. What a man considers to be good for himself, he does. Likewise, what a man does is what he considers to be true. Thus, the actions of a man is what constitutes his life, and his life is governed by what he considers to be true and good. Therefore, to acknowledge mentally that something is good or wrong must warrant a corresponding action in the phase of opportunity.  

Excerpt: Good man, Bad man _ Daniel Manu


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