
Showing posts from July, 2021

"Just erase and draw again"

I was inspired by a 9 year old boy to draw, I was only 5 years old then. Over the years, I have come to know that there is more to drawing than what we literally see. When I was 5 years old, I saw an older boy drawing. I'm sure he was about 9 years old. He was drawing a man. It was the first time I had seen such a nice drawing, nicer than the ones my nursery teacher drew on the blackboard. I couldn't draw like that, the best I could do was to trace. So, I asked him to teach me. In response he told me to get a book, take a pencil and start drawing. I wasn't discouraged by his response, I was very glad. ”Mennsɔ wonsa o, hwɛ me na draw. Sɛ woti a, na w'apepa, na w’adraw biom” (I will not guide you by holding your hands, observe what I do and learn. When you make a mistake, just erase and draw again) — he told me. I started drawing objects from then. By age 6, I could draw any image in my story books — any image I set my heart to draw. Eventually, drawing turned out to be ...

If only we could read each others' minds...

If only we could read each others' minds... We cannot judge actions by appearances. Neither can we judge based on the people who perform the actions. The motive of an action is the core or drive of the action, and fills the whole action whether of service or damage to mankind. It is possible for a man (generic: both male and female) to vehemently defend himself/herself as altruistic and yet work for his/her personal aggrandizement to the detriment of other lives underneath.  Basically, when confronted about motives, the inclination to feeling accused or judged is high. Motives are delicate to people and mostly concealed. Motive is the spirit by which an action is done. To have a good motive is to act for the benefit of all, while a bad motive acts for the benefit of oneself to the peril of others.  A gentleman can spend all his time and money lavishing delicacies on a lady and will say he is doing that for free - without any expectations. Meanwhile, when the lady marries anoth...

Smoking kills

What determines whether something is good or bad? Is there a universal mirror we can use to know the intention behind an action or deed? Everybody considers and does what makes them happy. If a man thinks of something to be bad and yet does it, it is because he loves the feeling or the experience he gets from engaging in that action. For example, there is an inscription on cigarettes "smoking kills" but this inscription doesn't deter smokers from smoking. Intriguingly, even medical practitioners who know the consequences of smoking still smoke. "It is bad, yes we know but we still can't stop". This is the song of an addict. The addiction of a smoker then is as a result of prioritizing the feeling that comes with smoking over killing oneself. Actually, in reality, the smoker doesn't believe the inscription on the cigarette box is true, least to obey. The consequence of his action to another person or his surrounding environment is inapparent to him as wel...