"Just erase and draw again"

I was inspired by a 9 year old boy to draw, I was only 5 years old then. Over the years, I have come to know that there is more to drawing than what we literally see. When I was 5 years old, I saw an older boy drawing. I'm sure he was about 9 years old. He was drawing a man. It was the first time I had seen such a nice drawing, nicer than the ones my nursery teacher drew on the blackboard. I couldn't draw like that, the best I could do was to trace. So, I asked him to teach me. In response he told me to get a book, take a pencil and start drawing. I wasn't discouraged by his response, I was very glad. ”Mennsɔ wonsa o, hwɛ me na draw. Sɛ woti a, na w'apepa, na w’adraw biom” (I will not guide you by holding your hands, observe what I do and learn. When you make a mistake, just erase and draw again) — he told me. I started drawing objects from then. By age 6, I could draw any image in my story books — any image I set my heart to draw. Eventually, drawing turned out to be ...