We will get there!

Sometimes, we get so tired of striving tirelessly without ever reaching our set goals. Sometimes we wonder if we'll ever get there... Sometimes this good pursuit we've given our lives for seems almost unachievable. We keep climbing and climbing, we feel our knees feeble — our limbs shaky and breaths almost fading. Seeing how far we've climbed up, it's irrational climbing down but there's a dementor that pressingly suggests that that's the only option. Frustration, this shackle, its voice shouts so strong that we almost feel we've lost control. It saps every joy and tells us it is hopeless having hope. It hypnotizes its prey to think that they've lost the ability to choose, and deceitfully presents one option - giving up. Frustration highlights so much pessimism and pain! It keeps us down in the pits and prevents our eyes from looking up to the light; making us believe that we are on our own and that God is not present. This ol' con keeps replaying o...