The best description of God

Dear friends, what best describes God than He being Love itself? I found this wonderful message, and I can't help but read it over and over. Now that you are here, let us read it together. GOd is love God is Love itself. This means He is infinite love from whom all other loves are derived. Infinity is a quality which belongs to that which has no beginning and ending. It also speaks of that from which all others have their beginning and ending. God is infinite love because all loves are from Him as Love itself. It also means He is the one who truly gives love. He is the source and giver of love. If anyone has love in him and acts as a result of it, that love is from God no matter who that person is. God is the one and only source of love. There is no love from anywhere else apart from God. GOD IS GOOD ALL THE TIME The nature of love is to always seek the good of all others and work through wisdom to bring that good into fruition. Love is the greatest and most blessed...